Pemex rejects the accusation of oil corruption Oro Negro; will go to court


CITY OF MEXICO (AP) .- Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) rejected allegations of alleged corruption that the oil company Oro Negro has made in recent days, demanded that it submit evidence to the corresponding authorities and has announced it will defend itself in

On Thursday 19, in the American newspaper The New York Times Oro Negro issued a statement signed by Juan P. Morillo, his legal representative, as well as the US shareholders. and the Europeans of the said company, in which he accused the Mexican government of using the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to "destroy" him in retaliation for failing to participate in alleged corruption in Pemex.

The company created by Gonzalo Gil White, son of Francisco Gil Díaz, former Treasury Secretary, and Luis Ramírez Corzo, former director of Pemex, mentioned that there are records of former senior executives from Pemex, who He admits the oil company has sought to "destroy" Oro Negro for his refusal to pay bribes.

In this context, the state production company released Wednesday a statement in which she urged Oro Negro to By the way, he wondered why this information has not been disseminated and denounced before, "Given the many occasions when it would have been extremely relevant".

] With regard to the accusation that the government destroyed the company for "not having paid bribes" and for an alleged "conspiracy of some bondholders interested in the bankruptcy of l & # 39; 39, company, in order to take over the oil rigs ", Pemex assured that the facts deny this version.

And, he said, in 2016 and 2017, he offered the same conditions to Oro Negro as to other suppliers of oil rigs; the other companies accepted the proposed conditions, except the first one.

"In summary, Pemex denies any discrimination against Oro Negro," he said.

In his statement, he added that he would continue to "defend himself against unfounded prosecutions against him and against the Mexican government, mainly because in good faith." And as part of his legal powers, she has sought to renegotiate its contracts with Oro Negro and other oil companies after the slump in the oil market. "

Pemex added that, contrary to all other suppliers, Oro Negro was taking the" decision "" We regret Oro Negro has not been able to meet the reasonable expectations of its clients, investors, creditors and employees, but it can not be accepted that Pemex is perniciously involved in its financial problems. company, "he said.

According to Pemex, the oil company is deploying "a strategy" in the international media to offset "a series of strategic mistakes" that it has committed and for the "flaws" of its lawsuit against Petróleos Mexicanos.

In the end, he announced that he is defending himself in Mexican and international courts, "with full confidence that the outcome of the legal process will be favorable."

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