Pemex will import 1 million 400,000 barrels of light crude oil


Pemex has confirmed the purchase of four cargoes of light crude oil to the Philips 66 refining company for a million 400,000 barrels, resulting from the fracturing in the Bakken formation in the United States.

The national oil company explained that its subsidiary, PMI Comercio Internacional, was responsible for the finalization of the import after evaluating various proposals for the supply of oil cargoes.

In addition, he said that this decision is in line with his strategy to "improve the oil regime used in the National Refinery System (SNR), which will allow to obtain distillate products of greater economic value, such as gasoline and diesel, "said the state's productive society in a statement.

This is happening 18 days after Pemex declared an offer for the import of 350,000 barrels of Light Light Louisiana Sweet Crude (LLS), to be delivered in October at the Pajaritos terminal in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.

No option

Luis Miguel Labardini, an analyst at Marcos y Asociados, pointed out that there was no alternative, although the price is around 70 dollars a barrel, one of his highest levels for four years.

"The crude that is imported is light, just the one for which the Mexican refineries are configured and we do not have it, the purchase is done to increase the efficiency of them," he said. .

From Labardini's point of view, this decision has already been approved by the new administration because "when the new administration will enter with an increase in refinery efficiency thanks to the fact that there is more light crude oil ", did he declare.

Arturo Carranza, energy advisor of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), pointed out that beyond the political dyes and that the hydrocarbon came from an area harnessed by fracking, the important thing is that Pemex can increase the production of gasoline. in the country and take advantage of the point of import to reduce costs.

"The fact of bringing it from this basin (Bakken, North Dakota) is positive because it will reduce logistics costs by taking advantage of its geographical advantage, while contributing to domestic fuel production," he said. he declared.

However, Eduardo Lopez, a former EY analyst, pointed out that the number of imports is very small.

"It's an average of 46,000 barrels a day, when Mexico exports one million and produces one million 800,000 barrels, which is more or less what people produce today," he said.

For his part, José Luis Cano, CEO of Corporativos at HR Ratings, pointed out that the country is a heavy oil producer. You must therefore look for a mixture in which you carry lighters, so as to obtain a profitable compensation. "

Last September, as part of the Mexican Petroleum Congress, Carlos Treviño, director of Pemex, revealed his intention to import light crude oil destined for the Salina Cruz refinery.

Reserved block

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