Pemex will remain attractive in the markets despite the credit outlook established by Fitch: BIVA


The change in Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) credit risk outlook by Fitch Ratings, from stable to negative, will not affect the investments that the oil company could make on the stock market to obtain financing, said the managing director of the society. Institutional Exchange (BIVA), Maria Ariza.

After noting that this was an atypical year for the markets, he stressed that the State of the productive enterprise It will remain attractive to investors because it has good long-term assets that could be of interest to institutional investors.

"It is very important that the qualification given to companies for their be able to get this fundingEven then, Pemex has valuable, long-term assets that long-term institutional investors would certainly like to participate in, "he told a news conference.

After the ceremony on the occasion of the registration of Indigo Capital's funds at BIVA, he explained that it would be necessary to wait to find out the funding pathways that the next The government will borrow to finance Pemex projects through public procurement ", which will be determined later, but there are definitely good opportunities, good assets."

For his part, the director of BIVA pointed out that there were still external and internal factors affecting the markets: "this year, the electoral situation is complicated, it is atypical, not every year and has clearly marked a before and after. "

"We will continue to see from December to December some of this reconfiguration of the government, important moments such as the budget, the decision on the airport, several problems will certainly have an impact and we will be very aware of how which they are solved, "in addition to a complicated external environment, he says.

However, he felt that expectations for 2019 are positive and that the stock market is open to support all businesses with financing needs.

BIVA's director of operations, Rodrigo Velasco, emphasized the optimism facing the economy. "Mexico has shown a lot of resilience and very strong macroeconomic variables, and we believe that the transition we are now witnessing will be orderly, the markets will remain open."

He added that medium – sized businesses still have a significant need for resources and funding, and that we will continue to witness many operations over the next year using different types of instruments.

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