Peña and Trudeau resume dialogue on NAFTA


Enrique Peña (right) of Mexico and Justin Trudeau of Canada at the 7th Summit of the Americas on April 13.

The President Enrique Peña had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Canada, with the aim of continuing the dialogue that they maintained regarding the renegotiation of the Canada-Honduras Agreement. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in force since 1994.

In a statement, the President of the Republic reported that the two leaders also discussed the measures that Mexico and Canada have taken in response to the imposition of customs duties, 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum since June 1. from United States Government, which was announced in May by US Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross.

They also spoke about progress in approving the Trans-Pacific Partnership's Comprehensive and Progressive Treaty (TPP-11), which was presented to the Canadian Parliament in May, where it is currently under discussion [19659006] Following the decision of the US President, Donald Trump, to leave the TPP, the free trade agreement was established PTP-11, made up of the 11 remaining countries: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. This agreement will allow Mexico to expand its trade openness in the most dynamic area of ​​the world, the Asian market.

This is the second time the two officials talk about Trump-imposed tariffs, because on June 2 they held a phone conversation to hear about the measures that both nations would impose in front of the company. 39, American Union.

Mexico announced tariffs on American lamps, sausages, apples, grapes, cranberries and cheeses, while Canada set 25 per cent. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of the Republic has expressed its refusal, while the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray, told Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of this country , that they would condemn their unilateral application of tariffs.

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