Peña expects the signature of T-MEC to be made on November 30


President Peña Nieto acknowledged that with the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, the future of NAFTA at the time was seriously threatened - Photo: Presidencia

President Peña Nieto acknowledged that with the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, the future of NAFTA at the time was seriously threatened – Photo: Presidencia


In recognizing Mexico's negotiating team that has successfully advanced the trade agreement with the United States and Canada, the President Enrique Peña Nieto he trusted the signature of today called USMCA (for its acronym in English) and T-MEC, in Spanish, will take place on November 30th.

When he recounted what had happened during the renegotiation process, the president stressed that the joint work of the various agencies involved, the government in place and the elected government, as well as businessmen and all stakeholders, aimed to succeed. Mexico

And not for reasons of recognition, but to say that when you have this responsibility, you can not pretend to make decisions based on a political agenda, an electoral agenda or an agenda allowing more or less the approval of society but giving birth to a child. of responsibility, "he said.

President Peña Nieto recognized that with the arrival of Donald Trump as president of the United States, the future of NAFTA at the time was seriously threatened; However, he said that the meeting he had with the Republican candidate of the time, in Los Pinos, on August 31, allowed to open a channel of dialogue to reach an agreement .

This agreement, which was truly outstanding, was part of a very complex and authentically threatened or harassed scenario to be canceled because there may have been poorly understood visions at a starting point, "he added.

The CEO recognized the President-elect particularly Andrés Manuel López Obrador with whom, through their representatives, a common front has been put in place so that the negotiation of the trade agreement can succeed.

Because he has shown great openness, especially to be able to have with him a communication as regular or as frequent as it was necessary to actually allow the establishment of a Common front and that there were no major differences, there were obviously accents to emphasize between what the government of the Republic had negotiated and the vision that the next government has. The accents that have been incorporated in this negotiation, he said.

The secretaries to the economy, Ildefonso Guajardo and Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray, as well as officials from both agencies who participated for several months in negotiations with both countries.

Also assisted by the Chair of the Business Coordination Council, Juan Pablo Castañón, who supported so-called fourth set and the representative of the elected government, Jesus Seade


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