Peña guarantees security for the transition


Daniel Venegas

The President Enrique Peña Nieto assured that the Government of the Republic will provide the security conditions necessary to ensure an orderly and peaceful transition.

As part of the Day of the Lawyer, Peña Nieto reiterated that during the elections "the government acted in strict compliance with the law guaranteeing that this process was lived in a climate of harmony, peace and tranquility. "

He asserted that the federal government will continue to act responsibly as he did when he immediately acknowledged the election results. Therefore, committed to "offer guarantees, support and support so that here (the elected candidates) assume their responsibilities, order prevails, an orderly transition, peaceful " The conditions of security are provided for those who must assume their responsibilities and, with that, Mexico recognizes itself and to the whole world which is a democratic country, "he added.

Peña Nieto declared that this election confirms Mexico's conviction with democracy and assured that Mexicans

" should feel proud to live in a country of laws and institutions. "


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