Peña Nieto issues his last vote as president


President Enrique Peña Nieto attended Sunday at the primary school "El Pípila", located in the delegation of Miguel Hidalgo.

"I am sure it will be a historic day in the country, it is the greatest election that Mexico has ever lived, because of the number of candidates, positions, observers of officials of the INE that participate ". later, after voting.

"I hope this trip will take place in a climate of tranquility and order.Anything that turns out to be for the good of Mexico.My government will be respectful and will provide support to authorities who are elected, "he added.

The first president was accompanied by his wife Angélica Rivera and their children.

Peña Nieto took a few minutes to take care of citizens and photograph themselves with those who asked him for an image.

He commented that almost all boxes have been set up to be a celebration of democracies.

He recalled that only six years ago he and his wife were able to vote, but this time, five of his six children had the opportunity to do so.

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