Peña Nieto meets with José Antonio Meade


Enrique Peña Nieto President of Mexico, met Thursday afternoon with Jose Antonio Meade former presidential candidate of the coalition "Todos por México".

] "Today, I spoke with Jose Antonio Meade I celebrate his democratic conviction We agree that we Mexicans have built a stronger country with more opportunities for all, "writes the president of Twitter

During the meeting, Peña Nieto thanked Meade for his collaboration during his administration, and expressed his consideration that l & # 39; former candidate will continue his work to achieve a better Mexico . with @JoseAMeadeK . I celebrate your democratic conviction. We agree that, in unity, we, Mexicans, have built a stronger country with more opportunities for all. I thanked him for his collaboration in my administration; I know that he will continue to work for a better Mexico.

– Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) July 5, 2018

The afternoon of this Wednesday, René Juárez Cisneros President of Party of Institutional Revolution (PRI) ensures that after the adverse election results, the party will assume a position of opposition "responsible and constructive". , and against which put the interest of Mexico first.

The PRI leader also emphasized the work of Meade Kuribeña during the campaign process, for which he thanked him for his efforts and generosity.

With 99.9% of district chiefs, the PRI's flagship holds 16.42% of the total votes held on July 1st.

Andres Manuel López Obrador virtual winner of the electoral contest, received 30 million 35 thousand 554 votes of the electorate accounting for 53.18%, while Ricardo Anaya representative of "Por México al Frente", 22.26 percent of the votes .

On the other hand, Jose Antonio Meade ] thanked the escorts of the Federal Forces Division of the Federal Police (PF) for accompanying him during his election campaign.

"With deep emotion and gratitude for those who, beyond protection and service, were part of a project, a vision and also friends and members of the family, "writes Manelich Castilla . ] Commissioner General of the PF of the country, describes as noble the gesture made by Meade Kuribreña for his colleagues of the federal police.

Through his Twitter account, Castilla published the message written by Meade, accompanied by a photo where the expressive appears with the designated escorts.

"Our respect and gratitude to the escorts who, with professionalism and dedication, expose their lives to protect the lives of others," he said.

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