Pence urges Latin American countries to put pressure on Venezuela


  Pence expects Ecuador to collaborate to deal with

Mr. President, we seek to work more closely on the collapse of the Venezuelan dictatorship, said Mike Pence to Lenin Moreno


US Vice President, Mike Pence Called on Latin American Countries to Increase Pressure on Venezuela Following a Meeting Thursday with Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno

Mike Pence pointed to the collapse of Venezuela, which caused an unprecedented migration in the history of the continent, while the Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno said a definitive solution to this problem only Venezuelans can l 39; ;adopt.

The visitor, who arrived in Ecuador on Wednesday afternoon, said the Venezuelan crisis is "a special threat to our security". [19659006] He described as "unbelievable that one of the most vibrant countries and economies (of America) is now a failed state, the Venezuelan people is suffering, Venezuela was rich, now it is poor he was free now he is oppressed … he collapsed "

Moreno replied that" both countries express our concern about the economic situation and the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which caused the Exodus of more than two million Venezuelans to several countries, including Ecuador ". He said that "the solution for Venezuela can only be achieved by Venezuelans."

Maduro describes Mike Pence as "viper"

The Ecuadorian position on Venezuela differs openly from that of the last decade in the government of Rafael Correa, when he was a close ally of that country.

Moreno went further and also criticized and condemned the violence in Nicaragua, another country whose Ecuador was an ally.

Pence and Moreno also addressed trade issues for the benefit of Ecuador, the protection of migrants, the fight against corruption of former Ecuadorian refugees in the United States and security issues.

The last time a US vice president was in Ecuador was in 1984, with George Bush.

Moreno also said that with this visit "we ushered in a new way of connecting the two nations", although Washi was recently disappointed in ngton when he abstained at one time. voting in the Organization of American States on a resolution that could trigger a process of suspension of Venezuela from this organization.

Caracas Maduro said Wednesday that Venezuela is not attacked for lack of democracy. United and Europe seek to demoralize and divide the Venezuelan people to get their hands on the wealth of the country.

Not to mention the US Vice President's tour of the region, Maduro says that "whenever Mike Pence's poisonous snake opens his mouth" he feels "stronger" and "clearer" the way to go [19659007] Mike Pence arrives in Ecuador to promote bilateral relations

The United States has already imposed sanctions against Venezuela, but the government President Donald Trump hopes to persuade countries in the region 39, increase pressure on the Venezuelan government.

Maduro won a second six-year term. in May, during an election boycotted by major opposition parties and widely criticized by the United States and other governments.

After his visit to Quito, Pence will travel to Guatemala, where he will deal with the president of that country, Jimmy Morales, and the presidents of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, and Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, the crisis experienced by migrants from the North Triangle of Central America.

According to the Social Communication Secretary of the Guatemalan presidency, Alfredo Brito, the only topic of discussion will be the situation of migrants following the policy of "zero tolerance" implemented by Washington

At the meeting with Vice President Pence, President Jimmy Morales will personally reiterate the application for temporary protection status (GST, for its acronym in English) for Guatemalan migrants, "said Brito to AP

Pence will land at Guatemala at 9:00 pm GMT and meet with the three presidents an hour later at the National Palace of Culture and make a joint declaration.


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