Pence urges Ortega to stop the repression


US Vice President Mike Pence warned that "state-sponsored violence in Nicaragua is undeniable" and urged President Daniel Ortega to hold early elections.

"Ortega's propaganda does not deceive" Nobody changes anything, "wrote Pence on Twitter in response to an interview that the 72-year-old president gave on Fox News on Monday and where he discovers the violence and actions of paramilitary forces. 350 killed at the hands of the regime. The United States calls on the Ortega government to stop violence NOW and hold early elections. The world is watching, "Pence added.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert also condemned" violence and intimidation by armed groups controlled by Ortega. "

" This includes the arrests "Nauert said the government of President Donald Trump continues to support the resumption of dialogue between the Ortega government and the opposition Civic Alliance., Which began on 16 May in Managua with the mediation of the Catholic Church, but whose last plenary session was held on June 15.

In the Fox News interview, Ortega refused to advance the elections of 2021 to 2019 He declared that "it would create instability, insecurity and make things worse".

Meanwhile, at least eight people died, including a Brazilian medical student, and several They have been attacked in different parts of the country, according to reports of the government and humanitarian agencies.

In a strong statement, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regretted the death of Raynea Lima, who was in the last year of the year decine and resided since 2012. the country. His vehicle was shot down as he was heading to his residence southwest of Managua around midnight Monday, told AFP the rector of the American University (UAM), Ernesto Medina. According to Medina, who cited witnesses, "paramilitaries shot at his car". Lima died in the hospital because "a bullet would have pierced his liver," he added.

The Brazilian government expressed "deep indignation" and condemned the "tragic death" of Lima, pending "clarifications" by the government on the crime, which the police attribute to "a private vigilante."

Vilma Núñez, president of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), denounced the local television channel "100% Noticias", including a child, and 25 were wounded in an attack. paramilitary against the city of Jinotega, 150 kilometers north of Managua. He added that the government "has unleashed a brutal repression" of its opponents and those involved in protests that began in April against Ortega, with more than 350 deaths since.


The former Brazilian priest Leonardo Boff, head of theology of liberation, urged the government's repressive forces to " Stop Killing ""

In a letter of support to the bishops of Nicaragua, severely criticized by the government, Boff said that he was "perplexed" that Ortega "imitated Somoza's practices." [19659002] The dictator Anastasio Somoza D. was overthrown in 1979 by the revolution that enriched Ortega, today "another dictator", he said


The student leader of the demonstrations against the government of Daniel Ortega conditioned his return to the national dialogue to stop the persecution of the opponents and the dissolution and the disarmament of the paramilitary groups, declared the rector Ernesto Medina, Counselor University daughters, at the DPA agency. 19659002] "We can not return to dialogue (suspended for weeks) if these minimum conditions are not met, as young people continue to be persecuted and kidnapped," said Medina, Rector General of the United Nations. American University of Managua. Opposition Civic Alliance

The rector said that hundreds of civilians linked to protests against President Ortega were arrested by police and paramilitaries in areas of the country. According to the NGO Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights, 758 people have been victims of kidnappings in recent days.

Medina said that the government is arresting and sending serious charges against these people, many of whom have not stopped. "To a single policeman or paramilitary involved in atrocious crimes."

He also indicated that it is speculated that Daniel Ortega might try to negotiate the release of the detainees in exchange for an amnesty for his aides he was willing to leave power in advance. as their opponents ask.

"The paramilitaries are today the basis of Ortega's power," said the professor, after noting that no early elections could be conducted in complete freedom and peace if these forces continued to operate in the country.

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