Penta Zero M appears in the CMLL and confronts Carístico


Penta Zero M put aside the rumors and appeared at the Spectacular Friday show at Arena México, to repair the overdue accounts that he had with Carístico.

For King Phoenix's brother, he did not care about the fight the exMist had with Brave and Flying Jr. against Klan Kaoz (Cybernetics, The Chrizh and Sharly Rock Star), because in the third year he ingested and lost those led by " Main Man of Wrestling", which immediately caused anger; however, the waters calmed down when Zero Fear attacked the expofile of Fray Storm.

Although Flying and Courageous deserted Caristic, by attacking, the Gladiator of the Air returned to you for you ] against Penta and demonstrated its quality by applying a few traits that have impoverished it.

After the attacks, the answer was made to come by Zero Fear; however, he could not cause great damage to his rival, since part of security and the referee were intruded to remove the gladiator.

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