People: Rafael Amaya is sincere and makes peace with his past


NEW YORK – In the new edition of PEOPLE in the Spanish magazine, Mexican actor Rafael Amaya talks about the success of the sixth season of his series El señor de los cielos de Telemundo:

"I came back loud, until I get sick, I get my normal voice back, I used to talk like Batman, "jokes Amaya, who was a bit hoarse after falling ill after recording scenes in a cave where there were bat poop. "These are work roles and I am very happy with the result."

So much so that the actor ensures that he will always be there to play Aurelio Casillas, so some may speculate that he will be out.

Aurelio life and let's talk with Telemundo, let's continue to record other seasons, we hold hands and continue to travel together, "says Amaya, 41, who has her own clothing lines, Rafael Amaya Luxury Collection and Rafael Amaya Western Style. "And it was time to let go, let go, let's see what happens," according to PEOPLE magazine

Amaya also touched on his personal life in the exclusive interview for the magazine, which is already selling in the estanquillos. "I was a very poor child, I lived in a small house, there were seven of us, we had nothing to eat," we had to live on the street, all my brothers used, was a very humble child and, look, dream, you can. "There are people who do not know these details of my life, and you bring them back quietly, stuck, it may be the right time to say it because I am in one of the best moments of my life, I say with open heart, "according to PEOPLE magazine.

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