Pepe Aguilar accuses the airline of the death of his beloved dog Cucho


Although it is natural that the permanent disappearance of an animal does not cause the sadness that is unleashed in the face of human loss, anyone who has a pet and actually occupies it knows that his eventual death may be a cause of pain.

And this is accentuated when there is an act that is considered unjust or imprudent, as it could have happened with Cucho, the little dog of the famous singer Pepe Aguilar, who lost his life in the middle of a situation confusing which involves a well known company of civil aviation.

"Very annoyed by the way Volaris and LAX handle these kinds of situations, it's really amazing that, with so many security measures, these things can happen." "Totally unfair!", Wrote the singer of traditional music and pop in his accounts on social networks.

According to a video that the same vocalista raised to Instagram, the dog had been placed in the regulatory box for his transport, but by an error of the person responsible for his care in the company, he escaped and died in circumstances that are not entirely clear.

"Thank you very much for all your good vibrations and prayers to find my puppy, they found it, but unfortunately already lifeless.A very sad day for us.Cucho was part of our family," also published l & # 39; artist. It is unclear whether she will take any specific legal action against the company.

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