Pepe Aguilar attacks Volaris for delivering his dog (VIDEO)


July 2, 2018

The singer recounts what happened at the Los Angeles International Airport through a video where he expresses his sadness and anger at the loss of this member of his family.

Instagram: @pepeaguilar_oficial

Thanks to his Instagram account, Pepe Aguilar shared his feelings and indignation at the death of his pet "Chucho", due to the negligence of Volaris.

In his story, the singer explained that one of the company 's employees first took the puppy from the Aguilar family, and then was found dead at the airport from Los Angeles.

"The Volaris Company and the Los Angeles International Airport, because they lost My puppy yesterday, not so much company, not so much company but a company employee and the provisions that these people really can not describe in words what I feel right now because even if it is true for some, a dog is a For others, it becomes a part of his family and in this case he was, "explained the singer.

After the search, the airline found the body of his pet

"They found my dog, Unfortunately, they found it dead, I mean to the gentlemen of Volaris, I know that the company can not be judged by an accident where a dog is lost, but we have done everything necessary, vein in his box, vena all we need and he went out to "

On his side Mr. Volaris lamented the death of "Chucho" and, in the missive, he explained that the dog had escaped into the baggage transport area of ​​the airport

However, the company does not specify who has the responsibility for this, because Pepe Aguilar assured that he respect have the instructions and provisions that the airline has for transporting pets.

With information from SDP News

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