Pepe Aguilar devastated by the death of a member of his family


Pepe Aguilar devastated attacked a Mexican airline who neglected his pet a puppy named " Cucho ]", who was a member of more than his family unfortunately can died .

"The Volaris company and the Los Angeles International Airport, they lost my dog, they found my dog, unfortunately they found him dead, I can not really describe them, with words that I feel right now, but we have everything I needed, it was in its box, it contained everything we needed, and it went out to the one who loaded or unloaded things, it was at 10 pm, and there was no way out to help this puppy. "singer.

The annoying and visible performer expressed his annoyance at the luggage staff for neglecting

For their part, the users showed their solidarity and condolences to the Mexican regional singer.

"I am really sorry, he was probably happy and he will be here forever taking care of his family from there. "

" What a harm I'm sorry. "

" It's sad I love animals and that because of others, something happens to your pet that is what it rots the most. "

In this article:

  • Mourning
  • Pepe Aguilar
  • Pet

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