Pepe Aguilar's dog tragically dies at the Los Angeles airport


  Pepe Aguilar's dog tragically dies at the Los Angeles airport

Pepe Aguilar, Mexican singer.

Gustavo Caballero / Getty Images

Pepe Aguilar went through a difficult time this week because his pup Cucho died under tragic circumstances while he escaped from the transport box in which he was airlifted

"Very annoyed by the way Volaris and LAX deal with these types of situations.It's really amazing that with so many security measures, these things can happen, totally unfair!" The Mexican interpreter denounced on social networks.

The airline Volaris accepted that the animal died under his care.

"Thank you for joining us and being part of this family You filled us with joy We miss you and it hurts us that your presence has been taken away Cucho RIP Rest, you were the best partner from my husband " Pepe's wife wrote in a meaningful message.

With all the regret over the death of a family member, Pepe thanked the messages of support. ] "Thank you very much for all your good vibrations and prayers for finding my puppy.They found it, but unfortunately already lifeless.A very sad day for us.Cucho was part of our family." [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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