Pérez-Reverte threatens to leave the SAR


The academic Arturo Pérez-Reverte assured a user via his Twitter account that he will leave the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) when he is ready to amend the Spanish Constitution for adapt it to the inclusive language, just as asked the new Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality, Carmen Calvo.

The writer clarified his position by responding to a comment of journalist Jorge Bustos on Twitter, where he expresses this Next: "Carmen Calvo gives the RAE a report for a constitutional reform on gender. in the end, we will reform the ends before rights.We have no gesture in the brain any more. "

A social network user told the reporter that" only Perez-Reverte, the old lion, will walk with a loud noise … Country of cowards … "A comment that the writer did not neglect and decided to answer with a:" You have my word. "

This week, Vice President Carmen Calvo asked language academics for a report to determine if the Constitution is written a language that also reflects the reality of men and women and what formulas could change it in case this would not be like that.

At a hearing before the Equality Committee at the Congress of Deputies last Tuesday, in which he explained the general lines of his department, Calvo stressed that "as soon as" this report is finished there take it before the commission and also the constitutional commission.

According to him, this study is "independent" in the analysis of the contents of the Magna Charter and to address a constitutional reform. Calvo contends that the wording of the masculine Constitution "corresponds" to a society "from 40 years ago" and considers that "speaking masculine" only transfers "masculine images" to the brain.

In this sense, he recalls the taking over of Pedro Sánchez's government ministers at many of them "cost the job to promise as ministers" precisely because they are women .

El Universal information.

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