Peruvian Ruidíaz Signature Sounding Machines


Tukwila, Washington.- The Seattle Sounders signed Raúl Ruidíaz yesterday, hoping that the Peruvian striker could bring to life a bad season for the defending Western Conference champions of the MLS.

Seattle announced the expected agreement with Ruidíaz after the elimination of Peru in the World Cup, which takes place in Russia. The 27-year-old striker was part of the Peruvian national team but did not line any of the three group matches of the World Cup. Ruidíaz left Russia immediately to head to the northwestern United States, posting images of the Seattle area on social media.

Ruidíaz arrives in Seattle after two seasons with the Mexican football club Morelia. Liga MX in the 2016-17 and 2017-18 seasons

The Peruvian signing, who scored 19 goals last season, with Seattle was expected a few weeks ago once his previous club thanked him for his accomplishments in Twitter by way of farewell this month.

Ruidíaz will be eligible to play for the first time with Sounders after July 10th.

"Negotiations for players of this caliber are never easy, and extend over several months, supporting our entire club," said Seattle General Manager Garth Lagerwey. "Collectively, we were incessant in our search for Raúl because he is a proven player who makes the difference at the highest levels of play. Wherever he has played, he has improved his teams."

The Peruvian joins the Seattle attack that has struggled since the start after losing striker Jordan Morris for the whole year with a torn ligament before the start of the MLS regular season. The Sounders have scored just 11 goals in 12 games, eight fewer than any other club in the league.

They scored more than once in three games out of 12.

With only three wins, Seattle is tied for the second time. penultimate place in the League.

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