Peruvians march to dismiss corruption in the judiciary


Lima.- Thousands of people today joined marches of protest convened in several cities of Peru against corruption of power Judicial and to request the dismissal of magistrates and officials discovered in unlawful acts .

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Photo: EFE

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Mobilizations began in the Amazon city of Iquitos, in the east of the country, where protesters blocked the streets and clashed with the national police.

In the city of Cusco, in the southern highlands of the country, a student protest attempted to burn a puppet of a giant rat at the seat of the judiciary, but the action was prevented by authorities.

Photo: AP

In other cities, protesters, including academic groups, professional associations and workers, paraded with mourning crepe flags and demanded the dismissal of judges and judicial system advisers suspected of influence traffic, bribery and illegal sponsorship, among other charges.

The biggest march took place in Lima, where the National Coordinator of Human Rights (CNDDHH) and the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP) called thousands of people from different parts of the capital at Plaza San Martín.

Protesters, mostly students, workers and civilian groups, came to Congress, mocking the police barrier, with banners and placards asking " that everyone will leave " referring to the so-called negotiations between the judges and members of the opposition popular force.

Photo: AP

The leader of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, spoke on his social networks to deny having met the suspended supreme judge Cesar Hinostroza, who decided a claim in his favor in a money laundering investigation, as may be deduced from a sustained conversation with the businessman Antonio Camayo.

Mounted police fired tear gas to disperse protesters who were staying in the vicinity of the Legislative Building, where they will vote tomorrow for a referral of members of the National Council of Magistrates (NJC) involved in the scandal.

Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra told the press that he hoped that tomorrow Congress could take the corresponding decision, which is to withdraw all members of the CNM.

Photo: EFE

All those who are responsible for this corruption case should resign, said Vizcarra.

A few hours earlier, the president expressed his support for the protesters and demanded that the demonstrations be conducted peacefully and in accordance with the law.

The bribery scandal was made public last week, with the publication of a series of phone tapping revealing a vast network of traffic of influence, corruption and prevarication at the highest levels. levels of the judiciary, which includes senior magistrates, businessmen and politicians.

In this note:

  • Magistrates
  • Marches
  • Protests
  • Peru
  • Corruption
  • Judicial Branch
  • Illicit

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