Peso closes with profit after the meeting of American officials with López Obrador – Finanzas – Notas


July 13 (Notimex) .- On Friday, the peso finished the day with an appreciation of 0.75 percent or 14.4 cents, trading around 18.89 pesos for one dollar and reaching a minimum of 18.7581 pesos for a dollar, a level that has not been recorded since last May.

According to Banco Base, following the meeting between Secretaries of State, Mike Pompeo; Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, and National Security of the United States, Kirstjen Nielsen, along with the winning candidate of the presidential contest, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the national currency has observed a moderate recovery.

Although the peso's appreciation it was moderate, at the Chicago Futures Market (CME) bets were reduced relative to the Mexican currency, and it is not excluded that it could continue to recover over the next few weeks, approaching support of 18.50 pesos for one dollar.

In this sense, at the end of the day on Friday, the free dollar was sold at 19.31 pesos, four hundred more than yesterday, and was acquired at the minimum price of 17.80 pesos in the banks of Mexico. .

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