Petaquillas Community Guard, Guerrero, releases men detained for "resistance to revision"


CHILPANCINGO, Gro. (Approve) .- The community guard that runs the family of the local elected PRD MP, PAN and MC, Bernardo Ortega Jimenez, yesterday released four men held at the checkpoint held by armed civilians on the Mexican Federal Highway Acapulco to the height of the city of Petaquillas, municipality of Chilpancingo

Despite the armed aggression against civilians and the excesses of this armed group that applies summary trials, without doubt, with the complacency of the authorities, the government of Héctor Astudillo did [19659003] in front of such a situation in the hall of the capital of Guerrero, in addition to apparently maintaining a political alliance with the PRD marked by their alleged ties with the narco, Bernardo Ortega.

This morning, leaders of the armed group They noted that the youths were detained for almost a day because "they did not stop and resisted being controlled" in the post installed on a federal highway , tolerated In this regard, a self-defense commander – who preferred not to identify – explained that yesterday afternoon, the detainees – all based in the state capital – ingested alcoholic drinks in the center. When the victims left Petaquillas, aboard a van, they were stopped at the checkpoint and one of the people tried to run away, struggling "The four young men were subjected to violence and transferred to the municipal police station, where they remained close to a day of detention, "said the informant. under interrogation to delineate responsibilities. This morning, they decided to hand them over to the state police and their families, in exchange for "paying a fine," arguing that their attitude was considered "disturbing public order." ", added the head of self-defense

. , a series of armed excesses and aggression against the civilian population has been documented, carried out by this community guard who has virtually taken control of the community of Petaquillas and applies summary trials in this band of the region central Los Ardillos group On May 21, the community of Petaquillas, allegedly linked to the drug dealer, detained and deprived of his freedom for several hours, two journalists documenting a car accident registered on the federal road Mexico-Acapulco, in the central region of the entity

Communicators were released after a protest from Peru. odistas, who blocked the federal highway where they denounced the indolence and omission of Governor Astudillo.

And, since last year, the official has publicly accused the Petaquillas community police of being part of the criminal group Los Ardillos. the family of the current local deputy, Bernardo Ortega Jiménez

A week earlier, the same armed civilians detained a family of Mexico for more than six hours, including four women and two minors, they were released with traces of torture and with a message written on a card in which they were accused of being "crooks".

In March 2017, two Mexico City tourists, including one woman, were injured. They fired because they did not stop at a checkpoint illegally set up by members of the self-defense.

Since last year, this paramilitary group moved Petaquillas Fusdeg's community guard to take control of the Blue River tourist route, which links Chilpancingo to the Quechultenango municipality, where the Tlanicuililco community is located , considered as the fortress of the group Los Ardillos and the strategic route of the narco to Guerrero, according to the official reports

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