Phobia gives 30 years of memories


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Phobie filled the Palais des Sports and not only people, but also memories accumulated throughout his 30-year musical career.

The concert started on Friday after 21:00 with "Diablo", a song that has resisted all present. Then they sang "Plástico" and "Camila", songs that were sung by the public. When he finished, his singer took a moment to say hello.

"Welcome to all, thank you for being here with us, 30 years ago a group of friends decided to make a band that wanted to change media., And to our surprise, Phobia has become much more than a rock band.For us, this has been a way of life. "

The 17,000 people burst into applause because these 30 years are in the memory of many: in novels, ruptures, joys and sorrows. The birthday was therefore for both parties, for those on stage and for those who were below, who approved the music.

To document the celebration, the show was recorded, so people were encouraged to make more noise, so that his happiness could be recorded.

Leonardo de Lozanne, Jay de la Cueva and Francisco Huidobro also played "Vivo" and "Microbito", two other iconic songs of his career. The group remembered that it was actually with "Microbito", the first song and video with which they suffered censorship.

They explained that at that time they could not listen to commercial radio because they were demanding bribes. Heavy swimming upstream, so they stressed that their music is also the example that can reach the audience even with obstacles.

Happy World (1991), Love Little (1995), Rosa Venus (2005) and Destroy Homes (2012), are some of the albums whose band has relived their songs this Friday.

The concert ended with "Veneno vil", around midnight.

As part of the celebration, Phobia released a cabinet with its nine vinyl records and with the press kit that they gave at that time. The group will return to the Copper Dome on September 21st.

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