Photo of AMLO with Subcomandante Marcos is Authentic: Verified 2018


In a photograph circulating in networks is shown -from left to right- to Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Batel to Subcomandante Marcos (now Subcomandante insurgent Galeano), Andrés Manuel López Obrador Rosario Ibarra of Piedra, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano and then Mayor Moisés -now subcomandante-. Users wondered if the image is real

María del Rosario Piedra candidate for deputation to Nuevo León de Morena and daughter of the activist and senator elected Rosario Ibarra de Piedra – which appears in the photo- shared the image on June 25 and added the caption: "Together we make history."

In the comments the authenticity of the image was questioned by the appearance of López Obrador because, in theory, Cárdenas is much larger than the new elected president or fund that seems "too dark" for the Chiapas jungle.

Verified 2018 consulted Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Batel, who shared the original photo, and confirmed that the image published by María del Rosario Piedra is published but it is a fact that took place.

In the original photo, another zapatista appears and changes the background: "The photograph is of 13 novie February 1994. That day we traveled my father (Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano), Andrés Manuel, a collaborator of my father – Ventura Pacheco – and I went to Tuxtla, and from there we drove to Comitán where we found Rosario Ibarra with a collaborator too, and from there we went to Guadalupe Tepeyac by car ", said Cardenas Batel in an interview.

"We all met Subcomandante Marcos with Comandante Tacho and then Major Moisés, and then my father was left alone with them.After speaking for a while, we had soup at Chicken and we left for Tuxtla, it was three hours that we were there with them. "

At that time, López Obrador was a candidate for the government of Tabasco Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

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