Pills that could prevent punctures in diabetics


A team of scientists from Harvard University developed a method that allows the oral administration of insulin through special capsules. Until now, they have only tested these pills in studies with rats, but their results are promising. The reports of the world.

As explained in the journal " Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ", the bet of the team was complicated because the "stomach" contains acids and enzymes that digest proteins "when" therapeutic proteins such as insulin reach the walls prevent their transport to the blood "reports El Mundo.

However, he has managed to overcome these barriers: on the one hand, scientists have placed insulin in a formulation based on ionic liquids, a compound of salts that "reduces enzymatic degradation (. ..) "and also introduces this solution into a capsule with an enteric coating which prevents the release of the active substance until the drug reaches the intestine

" ( …) Our strategy is like a Swiss army knife, since C & # 39; s is a technology with several applications " explains Samir Mitragotri Professor of Bioengineering at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard

After beginning human testing, the team must demonstrate safety in studies with larger animals, and although the method will overcome all tests, it will not not available at co urt term in clinical practice.

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