Pipe reels new vehicles on the Autopista del Sol


Misfortune leaves three wounded and one car burned

CHILPANCINGO.- An accident recorded yesterday on the Autopista del Sol caused three injuries and 10 vehicles collided.

According to the report of Civil Protection, 9 am, a truck loaded with 48,000 liters of liquefied petroleum gas was left unbraked and hit several vehicles.

Multiple accident has ignited one of the vehicles, but it is not known whether there were occupants in the interior.

The incident occurred near the Paso Morelos stand on the Autopista del Sol, at kilometer 187 + 400 near the Paso Morelos stand in the municipality of Huitzuco, where he had to close traffic for a few hours.

In Michoacán, a truck carrying items from the Ministry of Marine overturned and fell into a ravine on the Acalpican-Caleta road section of Campos, at the height of the community of La Tupitina, at Lázaro Cárdenas

. of the accident was a soldier killed and three wounded, whose severity of his injuries is unknown.

Motorists who were also on this road warned the body of urgency – El Universal, Proceso and Excelsior.


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