Plagiarists release the re-elected mayor


The re-elected Mayor of Ciudad Mier, who was deprived of his liberty on Thursday night, appeared at a checkpoint of Nuevo Leon in a 2015 Mitsubishi truck with Tamaulipas registration plates. Photo: Special


PAN Gustavo González Hinojosa, re-elected in the last elections as Ciudad Mier's municipal president, appeared alive and unscathed after being kidnapped by an armed group on Thursday afternoon. the town hall, while he was preparing to celebrate the triumph with his supporters.

González Hinojosa was found early Friday in a security filter in the territory of Nuevo León, after ten hours of his alleged kidnapping.

According to the State Highway Police, at 04:48 am yesterday, at kilometer 131 of Highway 54 at the height of the municipality of General Treviño, at the border with the neighboring Tamaulipas, a truck stopped Model Mitsubishi white color 2015 with license plates from Nuevo León.

In conducting a review, the driver identified himself as González Hinojosa, who asked for support to be escorted, because he said that the staff of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) l & # 39; He was waiting for Tamaulipas.

Tamaulipas agents immediately requested medical assistance for the politician to be taken care of; when he was determined that he was happily unharmed, but with a nervous breakdown, he was moved.

González Hinojosa was deprived of his freedom by a group of gunmen Thursday night on the esplanade of Ciudad Mier's municipal presidency when he was overseeing the last details for performing a dance popular in recognition of the electoral preference of the citizens who decided on his re-election.

The members of his work crew and the locals witnessed the arrival of two vans, those carrying armed and hooded people, who forced the reelected mayor to go to the home. One of them.

The complaint was activated so that a search was immediately launched by the authorities, the federal armed forces and the state.

The coordination group of Tamaulipas informed that protocols have been activated to establish coordination with the authorities of Nuevo León the aim of initiating and, if necessary, to continue the investigation of the incident whose politician has suffered.

-With information from Aracely Garza

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