Players Create Crazy Race Tracks at Fortnite: Battle Royale


After a long wait, the Playground mode is finally available at Fortnite: Battle Royale . In this game, players have moved away from intense battles to join their friends and have fun with a lot of freedom. This has prompted some people to invest their time in this playground to create crazy racing circuits.

In the last few hours, several YouTube videos and reddit publications have emerged in which players show what they've done. made with the Playground mode of Fortnite: Battle Royale . One of the most popular ideas is to use game materials to create clues in which two or more players can use supercars to participate in exciting races.

Most players used ladders to make slopes. the trolleys can descend at high speed. That said, there are those who have gone further by taking advantage of jump mats in order to create much more sophisticated and fun circuits.

You can see some examples below:

As you can see, the Playground mode has expanded the possibilities offered Fortnite: Battle Royale and now it seems that its true limit is the imagination of the community. So, we hope that Epic Games will decide to make it a permanent gaming option or at least bring it back into the future with more and better creative options.

And you, have you ever played Playground mode for ? ] Fortnite ? Which creation are you most proud of? Tell us in the comments.

Fortnite is available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. Follow this link to see more information on the subject


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