Playground is now active, the new Fortnite mode for practicing with friends


Playground is a new way to try things with friends without the frenzy of battle; lets play for an hour before the storm begins to close

With the last
update of Fortnite, the 4.5, the most popular video game of the moment (
with 125 million users) added a new option: the so-called Playground. The patch was released a few days ago but according to Epic
only yesterday was available for all users, after the company detected, last week, problems to implement it.

What is Playground (Playground, in English)? The same island scene, but without the death that lurks at every step. This is a space that offers an advance of up to 55 minutes without the storm starting to close. And only the storm kills them: if we die all of a sudden, we can go back on the same map and rediscover our friends.

Also, in this mode the resources available to the players are multiplied by ten, there are more chests, the friendly fire is active: that is to say that our balls will not harm the members of our team.

With Patch 4.5 also comes a new mode, Final Duel, in which you can create teams of 12 members, but where the land of the island ceases to be squeezed in the middle of the game; instead, opponents will have a time limit to find their enemies and liquidate them.

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