Pokémon: Nintendo Releases New Pokémon Trailer: Let's Go | VIDEO | video games | | trends


Nintendo has published a new overview of Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu! and let's go Eevee! entitled "explore the world". Thousands of fans of the famous series are anxiously awaiting the video game.

Although the trailer shows scenes that have been seen in most advances, this is characterized by showing a few scenes from the beginning of the journey that has the title protagonist

YOU CAN SEE Pokémon GO : incredible missions and special bonuses will arrive in August [FOTO]

In advance you will be able to observe moments of exploration through the mythical region of Kanto, place known by the thousands of fans of the series Pokemon

Also, you can see the meeting with Professor Oak and the classic choice of a Pokemon. In addition, a quick look at Brock and Misty as heads of gymnastics is given and he ends up showing the powerful Mewtwo.

Many internet users think the small advance that the "big N" has released on social networks, encourages players to immerse themselves in an unlimited adventure and full of inspection.

Pokémon: Let's Go is one of the major titles that Japanese society will have for the exclusive catalog of Nintendo Switch that will arrive on the hybrid system on the 16 November.

Then we leave you with the video that is in YouTube and released the Nintendo España channel, which has more than 35,000 reproductions and more than a thousand mentions "I love".

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