Polevnsky trust that the Court acquits Morena


CITY OF MEXICO.- The national president of Morena, Yeidckol Polevnsky, trusted that the judges of the Federal Electoral Tribunal " act in good faith " and act appropriately in the case of Trust for others

According to the information of Notimex, he is congratulated because it will be the Electporal Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) who will have the last word because, in his opinion, the problem "is not to be in the media and less to be the subject of the National Electoral Institute."

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In an interview as part of the meeting held with Senators elected within the electoral coalition Juntos Haremos Historia said that the INE had certain powers, which must make the parties responsible for their acts

but he recalled that the confidence created to support s is affected by the earthquake of September last year is private and who can demand accountability is the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).

In this regard, he commented that the Court will have to work and examine, " we are in favor of everything being clarified because one of the things we propose is that we want maximum transparency and accountability. "

In Morena," we want this to be a way of doing politics, "said the leader of Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena).

On July 20, Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that the INE counselors "were acting intentionally, in bad faith, and that is why we are going to court because it is not necessary. There is no legal basis for the penalty imposed on Morena. "

" There is no misappropriation of resources, the money has not been used to ask the citizens to vote for Morena, we have principles, give crumbs in exchange for votes. "

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