Political parties seek to save themselves; July 1st sale


Marko and Moreno Valle, after the leadership of PAN


Although a dozen potential candidates for the presidency of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the NAP were mentioned, only two With the decline of Miguel Márquez, there are two possible candidates with broad support to succeed Zepeda: Rafael Moreno Valle, chairman of the Political Committee. PAN National; and the coordinator of PAN MPs, Marko Cortés Mendoza.

The current leader of the PAN, Damián Zepeda, must leave the PAN leadership no later than August 31st, since September 1st. will integrate as a senator the Republic

According to the statutes of the PAN, the national leadership of the PAN must be renewed in the second half of the year when the federal elections are held, reason for which it must be convened by the Commission Permanent to the renovation of CEN shortly, and the election of the new leader with the vote of activists of the National Action.

Before, the party's Standing Committee must propose to the members of the Electoral Commission who will conduct the process of renovation of the leader, who must be notable PAN, ratified by the National Council.

In addition to Rafael Moreno Valle and Marko Cortés, who left open the possibility of b The leader of the PAN is Senator Roberto Gil Zuarth

However, Gil Zuarth, an ally of the former president Felipe Calderón , could be made impossible by the existence of a sanction process against him at the National Council Order Commission. having voted in 2017 for Ernesto Cordero as Senate President, in defiance of the mandate of CEN and the PAN parliamentary group.

Gil Zuarth also a demerit belonging to the group "PAN rebels", who no longer has support for the inside of the party, and some of his comrades were expelled, as Senators Ernesto Cordero or Jorge Lavalle Maury.

Other PAN members who might seek the national leadership of the PAN are also the former governor of Guanajuato, Carlos Medina Plascencia, and Senators Ernesto Ruffo, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Jorge Luis Preciado and Héctor Larios.

Within the alliance of dominant groups in the PAN, integrated or the followers of Ricardo Anaya, Santiago Creel and Gustavo Madero, it is analyzed to go with a single candidate, who would have the majority support organs of the party dome, the Michoacán Marko Cortés.

Not to be placed in the top places of the Plurinominal List in the Senate, Cortés Mendoza, like other candidates such as Luis Felipe Bravo Mena or Cecilia Romero, was excluded from the next legislature, but given his proximity with Ricardo Anaya and the dominant groups within the panismo, he stands as his candidate To this end, Marko Cortés explicitly asked the current interim leader of the PAN, Damián Zepeda, to specify that he does not will not participate in the national leadership renewal process.

Cortés Mendoza would be the candidate of the unit, groups that ripped off the PAN leadership of Felipe Calderón's group since 2010, when Senator Gustavo M Adero won by just seven votes of the National Council to Roberto Gil Zuarth, candidate of the then President of the Republic.

The other with more opportunities to reach the PAN leadership is the senator and former elected governor of Puebla, Rafael Moreno Valle, who in his capacity as chairman of PAN CEN Political Committee has builds bridges of understanding with all party leaders and presidents of the state steering committees (CDE).

In addition, Moreno Valle, counts in his favor directed by his wife Martha Erika Alonso in the state government of Puebla; the support of the current head of state, José Antonio Gali Fayad, as well as federal and local legislators who are part of his political group.

Gali Fayad, said on the eve that he "would like" that Rafael Moreno Valle assumes the leadership of the National Executive Committee of PAN, a place that currently occupies Damián Zepeda

The PRD is trying to recover from the electoral debacle

Reduced to its minimal political expression since its appearance in the public life in 1989, and with the loss On July 1st of the governments of Mexico, Tabasco and Morelos, the Party of the Democratic Revolution will not renew its Executive Committee National (CEN) before 2018.

The PRD, which now has only one governor in its ranks, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, who ended up supporting the PRI's flag bearer, José Antonio Meade, lost his territorial base in the Electoral process passed, Mexico City and in a desire for sup survival will remain an ally of the PAN, under the precept of "coalition governments".

With just the minimum in its history, the PRD ran for the moment maintaining the register as a national political party, achieving only 2.8% of the votes in the presidential election and 5.3% in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

The majority of left-wing voters opted for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who won the presidency with 53% of the vote and with it dealt an almost lethal blow to the Party of the Democratic Revolution.

Manuel Granados, one of the closest men to the Government of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera, arrived Alejandra Barrales at the PRD and left for her the ministry of the country's capital and is then left the internal struggle for the PRD candidacy to the government of Mexico.

On December 9, 2017, with the unanimous consent of the 352 members of the National Council of the PRD, Granados Covarrubias was elected for a ten-month term at the head of the political institute, which will end in October .

At this time, the Democratic Revolution Party will define the succession plan in the national leadership and prepare for the remaining three months, Manuel Granados issued the day before a statement of unity and work.

The urgent task that the PRD in these months will be consistent with its various currents like New Left (the dominant group); Democratic national alternative; Foro Nuevo Sol, and Izquierda Democrática, among others

PRI, by a statutory reform

Divided internally and reduced to a third shaky political force of the country by the results of the elections of July 1st, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is going to make further reforms to its statutes, only eleven months after having modified them, as part of the plan to "get up" and seek its "revenge" in the polls in 2021.

For Francisco Labastida, former presidential candidate in in the year 2000, the PRI now pays "the rejection of the party, the low rates of popularity of the President of the Republic (Enrique Peña Nieto)" and the cost of inexperience of its protagonists during last elections.

the candidate (José Antonio Meade), neither the party president (Enrique Ochoa) nor the coordinator (Aurelio Nuño) had elaborated electoral process, had not participated in any election. CARP is not hurt by political death, and although "it will take years to get up", they will be the first force, the seven members of the PRI agreed that Excelior interviewed separately. However, Labastida warned that for this, there must be "a refoundation to improve", which begins by changing the methods of selection of candidates, because it caused "serious problems" in the last election.

In the same vein, ex-legislator José Alberto Aguilar Iñárritu described as a "failed strategy" to designate a presidential candidate external to militancy, "as capable and honest as he is". He stressed that, without giving him a lot of tricks, they should resume their vocation of center-left and their fundamental banners, once defined by Luis Donaldo Colosio: "internal democracy."

"What I believe is that we must come back, as discussed in 2017, to a very simple approach, to the consultation of the bases, to the internal democracy, which are the bases that determine the positions of leadership and the elective functions "

Senator Jesus Casillas Romero diverged on the cataloging that Meade was" the mistake of the PRI ", because it ensured that he had been elected by agreements, but he accused the former party chairman Ochoa Reza and the internal leaders of electing candidates by "dedazo", ignoring the militants who were "offended." 19659004] "The candidate (Meade) was good, but he is one of the 18,000 of those who were in the game: we are talking about governors, senators, MPs, municipal presidents, res and administrators, what was the process to designate them? Power groups have begun to monopolize nominations, which were not the most profitable, and that's the result, "said the legislator, who led the Meade campaign in Nayarit.

Meanwhile, MP Martha Sofía Tamayo, who PRI chief of PRI's Justice Commission suspended the activist's rights to teacher Elba Esther Gordillo in 2005, said that the error It was not to prosecute the "excesses of some of our members", to dismiss the rulers and corrupt officials.

"We need to do a thorough clean up of the militants.I think that there are a lot of activists who raise their hands, I'm not sure that they would pass a strainer in the game." [19659004OnJuly4fromtheupperhousetheheadofPRISenatorsandCENmemberEmilioGamboaPatrónattributedpartofthepoorelectionresultstotheinternalstatutereformsofAugust2017Hesaid:"wetookaballinthefoot"withoutfurtherdetails

In this regard, Tamayo He felt that the statutes should "remove the limitation, unconstitutional, that a pluri may jump to another plurinominal position", because their legislative experience is wasted.

They analyze the reform laws

PRI CEN members pointed out to this newspaper that the party's former president, René Juárez, ordered the creation of a special commission to listen to the militancy, derived from electoral defeat.

The Secretary of Attention for States in the Opposition. CEN, Senator Diva Gastelum, explained that over the last 15 weeks there have been many meetings between party leaders and various sectors and acknowledged that the reforms of the statutes are strengthening, even they are not yet at the center of the analysis table.

"We need to review what activism, party cadres say about rules, or we do not, or we take them out or put them in. It will surely be a very important process before we start. the renewal of the national leadership, "he said.

PRI's amendments to its by-laws have resulted in citizen nominations, one in three is young, and in this regard, CEN's Technical Secretary, Senator Ernesto Gándara, pointed out that in this regard period of reflection and self-criticism that passes through the PRI, the goal is to go "a lot". Beyond wanting to change and criticize a person. "

" The first thing we need to do is listen and think with a lot of PRI in the country. It is good that some expressions do not naturally coincide, "he said.

Like all interviewees, Gándara said renewal should not focus on CEN leadership, but on leadership and leadership. "We hope that in the next election of 2021, there will be a repositioning of the PRI," he added.

Since July 3, former President René Juárez has convened at the first post-election meeting with CEN members, PRI coordinators of chambers and leaders of sectors and organizations; Subsequently, the leaders met with the affiliated governors, union leaders, and the chairs of the state executive committees (CDE).

In these meetings, the message is the internal unit, but also, faced with the resurgence of dissent, he was warned that "Scavenging" will not be allowed in the game. And it is On July 2, 2006, 416 PRI leaders led by Ulises Ruiz, through a letter, demanded the resignation of CEN and accused President Peña Nieto and his cabinet of debacle.

Enrique Jackson warned that "this is not the time for lynching, because it smells bad, it smells like we want to leave so that we can get there." However, he acknowledged that the party must redraw itself and "give many, many samples to regain the confidence of the voters."

The Green seeks to recover

Morena's steamroller and his coalition in the elections of 1 In July last, he left the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) in the seventh political force of the country, because, in addition to losing the race to the presidency, his only governorship and his seats in the Congress of the Union were seized

the district counties of the presidential Morena were positioned as the first force, followed by the PAN, the PRI, the PT, the PRD, the PES and the PVEM, which obtained 1.8% in total, but it will keep its register as a party thanks to the one that is at the Congress when he suppressed the 3%, minimum required.

For the Presidency of the Republic, El Verde competed in coalition with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the New Alliance Party defending former Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade Kuribreña, but the current candidate government comes third. 16.4%.

In the state elections he lost the only administration he had, nowadays under Manuel Velasco Coello. In the elections, he broke with the PRI and launched his own candidate Fernando Castellanos, who won 21.87% of the vote, while the flag bearer of the Together We Make History coalition, Rutilio Escandón Cárdenas, won 39 , 84% of the votes

. the Chamber of Deputies, where today it occupies 35 seats, could end up with about 23 seats; while in the Senate the five seats are sketched out, but it would go from the fifth to the sixth force, because Morena, who had no official presence in this case, is in first place

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