Political will, indispensable to finalize the NAFTA in August: IP


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The signing of an agreement to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between now and August, as proposed by the US government, will depend on the existing political will, agreed the leaders of Coparmex, CCE and Cuarto de Junto

The President of the Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Gustavo de Hoyos; Juan Pablo Castañón and Junto's Cuarto coordinator, Moisés Kalach, agreed that the bilateral meeting between Mexico and the United States that is taking place from yesterday to today does not necessarily mean that it's not the same. there will be an end to the negotiation of NAFTA

Only, it is a sign that partners have interest in going ahead, but it must be shown that s & # 39; there is a will, they said

The agreements will be a consequence of the US willingness to make their requests more flexible in order to reach an agreement in principle.

"If there is a possibility and a willingness to close, it will be in the coming weeks".

Coparmex's president, Gustavo de Hoyos, felt that "this is a new opportunity to move forward.But, I see that it is difficult to close immediately."

The Employer union leader said that "it is difficult to estimate the possibility of success, but it is a good sign that the Mexican negotiating team is accompanied by representatives of the next government, we are optimistic. "

CTE coordinator of the Strategic Negotiations Advisory Council, Moisés Kalach, explained that while Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said he hoped to conclude the NAFTA negotiations in August , this decision must be transferred to the bargaining tables

"The signs we see are good, I would say it is a matter of will," added the business man.

"I can not say that an agreement will automatically be reached, the moment is approaching and the will is there, the actors see the need and there is a political interest," he said.

In addition, the textile contractor mentioned that "the election was to take place in Mexico". transition And in November there will be elections for the United States Congress and this puts pressure on the United States, which has many open battle fronts. NAFTA can be part of the positive solution. "

Kalach stated that at the meeting between Guajardo, Videgaray and Lighthizer," toxic issues "were discussed, as well as the progress of less complex chapters.

that the visit of the Mexican Secretaries of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray and Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo, in Washington aims to define when and how to resume the renegotiation of the trade agreement.

As told by the chief negotiator The technician of the. NAFTA, Kenneth Smith Ramos, "is to resume the conversation with the US Set when the technical groups will meet at the trilateral level, and soon it will take a trilateral meeting."

This bilateral meeting between Mexico and the states United States will take place between yesterday and today, but it is difficult to determine whether the negotiations will progress. representatives of private sector organizations are in agreement.

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