Pompeo will visit Pyongyang


They seek to advance the process of denuclearization

WASHINGTON (EFE) .- US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, will visit North Korea from July 5 to 7 to maintain with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, On the process of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the government reported yesterday.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders at her daily press conference announced that the head of US diplomacy will begin July 5th. a trip to Pyongyang to continue the ongoing efforts for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Subsequently, in a statement, the State Department explained that Pompeo will be in Pyongyang from July 5 to 7 to continue his consultations and put into practice the progress made by President Donald Trump and Kim during of their June 12 summit in Singapore

The Singapore declaration opens the door to denuclearization of the North Korean regime in exchange for Washington's guarantees of survival, but does not specify specific mechanisms or deadlines for achieving these goals. goals.

Pompeo's third visit to North Korea could be used to define certain conditions for future agreements or even to set deadlines for Kim's regime to dismantle his atomic program.

The trip will be generated amid rumors of the possibility of a second summit between Trump and Kim in September in New York.

Axios, who cited US officials as a source, said Trump wanted North Korea to take important steps in the denuclearization process and is considering the possibility of proposing the second summit as a reward for his efforts [19659009]. the White House spokeswoman said yesterday that for the moment, they had nothing to announce.

After North Korea, Pump eo is due to visit Tokyo from July 7 to 8 to talk to the Japanese and South Korean leaders about the joint commitment to the final denuclearization of Japan. Korean peninsula, said the State Department in its note

. On July 8th and 9th Hanoi (Vietnam) will then travel to Abu Dhabi, where he will travel on July 9th and 10th, and finish his trip to Brussels.

In Brussels, he will accompany President Trump to the next summit of the leaders of the NATO member countries, to be held on July 11 and 12.

For his part, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Robert Manning reported that North Korea had not yet begun to return the mortal remains of the soldiers. The United States died during the Korean War (1950-1953).

"Diplomats do what diplomats do, and we are ready to receive these remains and make sure they are repatriated and we are referring to their families," Manning said at a news conference. meeting with journalists

. The delivery of the mortal remains was decided at the summit of 12 June.

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