Portugal is much more than Christian: technical


Sochi. Portugal coach Fernando Santos once again highlighted the importance of the other 22 players on his team, as well as Cristiano Ronaldo, as he prepares the team to face Uruguay Saturday for the knockout stages of the World Cup.

When the inevitable question of Portugal's historic striker came up, a smile appeared in front of the 63-year-old coach.

"I just won another free coffee because I bet they'd ask that question." Everyone knows that any team in the world depends on its players, and of course we have one of the best teams in the world, but you can ask the same question to the Uruguay coach. (Luis) Suárez and (Edinson) Cavani, you have great players in every team, "added Santos.

As in his team, Santos believes that the strength of Uruguay lies in the collective, as well as in the cunning of his coach Oscar Tabárez

"The greatest virtue of the Uruguayan team is that it is Uruguay. He has a coach who has worked with them for 12 years, with a lot of experience and very good quality, "said Santos, noting that Celeste did not cash a goal in World Cup

Santos subtracted I think it will be a good match, with two teams trying to win, each using their weapons.I hope it's a big shock. "

Portugal opened his campaign at the World Cup in Sochi with a 3-3 draw against Spain, midfielder Adrien Silver said his team has what it takes "I think it shows his organization, but I hope we are the ones who break that, "said Silver in reference to the undefeated goal that keeps Uruguay in the tournament.

"I think we have quality, individually and especially collectively, and we know we are going to face a team that is very strong, we have assessed their weaknesses and their strengths, and we have prepared," adds Silver.

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