Powdered gasoline and fire at the alleged thief in Huixcolotla


An alleged thief died yesterday as a result of beatings and third-degree burns that caused him a crowd, after being accused of stealing and stabbing two of his victims in one of the center's entrances from Abastos de Huixcolotla.

The incident was recorded around 11:00 am at Gate 6, when the person allegedly assaulted three people with a knife to strip them of their property, such as money and mobile phones.

The plaintiffs immediately alerted the neighbors and traders of the souk, who interrupted them and after submitting to the subject, they beat him on the side of the federal highway Puebla-Tehuacán, while that. he was trying to flee. The alleged abuser also received stab wounds.

Although the incident was reported to the municipal police, the crowd prevented the intervention of elements of public security, who sought to implement protocols to save the subject.

Faced with this disadvantage, the municipal police asked for help from other companies and warned that people were seeking justice on their own.

After 1:30 pm, after hitting the alleged thief and causing injury, the crowd sprayed gasoline on the subject and set it on fire.

In the presence of about a hundred elements of the federal police, the Mexican army and the state police, the people involved dispersed in the region, where they abandoned the naked man in agony. .

Although the rescuers arrived at the site on time, they could not enter the site because of the risk posed by the crowd. That was until people dispersed, when paramedics were able to take care of the man who had burns and third degree bruises. Although the alleged thief was admitted to the hospital, he was eventually declared dead.

According to the images posted on the social networks, the deceased was between 25 and 30 years old, he wore short hair and, as a special sign, a tattoo on his chest. The body was transferred to the Tepeaca morgue as a stranger, waiting to be identified. For its part, the Office of the Attorney General of the State (FGE) began with the corresponding investigations.

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