Premature births on the rise due to maternal health problems


  IMSS, Health, Premature births, Diseases, Mommies, Gestation

A nurse from the IMSS in Jalisco is taking care of a premature baby. Photo: Special


Of the 425,000 516 births registered in 2017 in hospitals and clinics of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) across the country, 41 thousand 664 were 9.8% were born before 37 weeks of gestation.

The head of the Neonatology Division of the Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the IMSS in Jalisco, Aída Patricia Martínez de Gante explained that premature births are a phenomenon more and more common not only in Mexico, but in the world. The rate of premature births internationally reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) ranges from 5 to 18 percent, he added.

The specialist explained that prematurity can be caused by various conditions in the mother's health such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems, urinary tract infections or obesity; It may also be associated with the use of assisted reproductive technologies or end-of-life pregnancies, that is, very young mothers or elderly people.

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To help mature premature newborn organs, the IMSS has 63 units Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), which addresses women with higher risk factors who may tend to have premature delivery. The Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital of Jalisco has one of the largest units in the country with high technology equipment and qualified personnel to look after these babies.

Dr. Aída Martínez pointed out that in the NICU of Jalisco, they receive babies in a very critical condition due to the immaturity of all their organs, who are being treated depending on their conditions, requiring ventilatory support in most cases, so they are connected to a respirator.

The head of the Neonatal Division pointed out that 100% of the children who move to the NICU are in critical condition and that success stories are presented every day. He noted that children are received from week 24 of pregnancy, until the premature end of 32 to 37 weeks. A group of these patients may have a type of congenital malformation, usually from the digestive tract of the central nervous system or from heart disease, he added.

To the extent that the incidence of premature babies has increased, according to the specialist, care strategies have been adapted, so that the hope of survival of babies born after 26 weeks of gestation (six months) is 70%. cent while for 32-week-olds (eight months), survival is greater than 90%.

The majority of premature children were born during this last period

She said that the overall strategies of these patients were implemented in the hospital as the clinic of retinopathy of prematurity, the Preterm program with community outreach, kangaroo mothers program and breastfeeding.

For its part, the Chief of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Imaging of the same hospital, Juan Manuel Enciso Meraz, pointed out that pregnant women should have accurate monitoring of their pregnancy and inform the doctor if they exhibit some of the risk factors. As for the treatments available at the hospital, he explained that there are several methods to confirm the diagnosis and use drugs beneficial to the health of the unborn baby. for example, the application of progesterone to prolong the duration of pregnancy, steroids to reduce the risk of respiratory problems and sulfates to protect brain tissue.

* jci

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