Premium gasoline is close to 21 pesos


Guadalajara, Jalisco

In the metropolitan area of ​​Guadalajara the price of a liter of high-end gasoline caress 21 pesos and the Magna exceeds the barrier 19 pesos

In the first half of the year the cost to the consumer of fuels increased between 10 and 15%.

The liter of Magna closed the past year 16,70 pesos and today it costs 19.28 pesos while the premium went from 18.61 pesos to 20.54 pesos according to the report that dealers make before the Energy Regulatory Commission.

In the Industrial Station of Jalisco, located at Gobernador Curiel, one of the highest premium petrol prices was reached, or 20.54 pesos ] Nearly two pesos more expensive per liter than in last January.

The Magna reached 19.28 pesos in the Atequiza petrol station, located on Lázaro Cárdenas Avenue. This price is 2 pesos 58 cents above what was paid at the beginning of the year

The gasoline in Jalisco is confirmed as the most expensive of the country . In Mexico, Magna is sold at 19.12 pesos and Premium at 20.63 pesos, while Nuevo León sells green at 18.64 pesos and red at 20.22 pesos.

Since the liberalization of the gasoline market, the factors that influence the price of the liter are: the international cost of crude oil, the dollar exchange rate which determines the price of imported gasoline, as well as logistics and distribution costs.

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