PREP gives the advantage to Mauricio Vila in Yucatán


Merida, Yucatan.- With a cut at 23:55, the Yucatan Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute (Iepac) announced that the election trend for the governor of Yucatan, which according to the account The NAP candidate, Mauricio Vila Dosal, is favored with a percentage between 38.8% and 40.8%, followed by PRI candidate Mauricio Sahuí Rivero with a percentage between 34 and 36.5% of the vote.

They are followed by Morena's candidate, Joaquín Díaz Mena, with a tendency between 20.1 and 23.2% of the votes, and finally the candidate of the PRD with a voting tendency of 1.3 and 2, 3%.

President of Iepac, Maria de Lourdes Rosas Moya, said that it is a result of high statistical accuracy based on high precision sampling with 95% accuracy of the 62.7% sample accounting of 300 for the rapid account development for the election to the state governor.

"Unlike exit polls, we do not know based on the statements of people, to do their calculations, but takes as a single source of information the voting data set in the booklets to do the transactions counting and counting in the box, "said the presiding adviser.

Another relevant information provided by the fast count was that the percentage of participation reached a range of 70.1 to 73.5%.

Just 15 minutes before the results of the quick account given by Iepac, PAN, offered a press conference in which he assured that his triumph was irreversible.

"We are very happy with the impending transition in Yucatan: the PAN goes back to the state government with Mauricio Vila Dosal, we are very optimistic because we have the victory in our state and the From each of the Yucatans we can reach our maximum potential, "said Edgar Ramírez, president of the Pan-African state, at a press conference held tonight.

Ramírez Pech assured that from now on it was up to the militants to protect the vote that gives them victory: "The best way to celebrate is to defend the vote of all citizens. Our campaign has intensified and our victory is an irrefutable sign of it. "

" Up to now, in the internal PREP, we have posted almost 39 percent of the boxes and the benefit we reported a few hours ago of five percentage points has been extended to almost 10 points. This trend increases as more squares are added. The results not only confirm our exit poll, but also show us a greater margin of preference in the vote, "said the president of the National Action.

"More than 70% of the Yucatan people came to broadcast your vote It is crucial to defend every vote, every act, every box The best Yucatan of all time is to come and we must build together, in union with all the Yucatecans, we are a state with great potential and we need the sum of all the citizens. "

Finally, Ramírez Pech pointed out that Damián Zepeda, president of the National Executive Committee of PAN, has communicated to him to say that the exit polls point to the irreversible victory of the PAN in Yucatan: "The Secretary General, Marcelo Torres Cofiño, the PAN legal team before the INE and the national leaders of Movimiento Ciudadano, to defend the will of the Yucatecans This victory does not come from the people. "


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