PrEP, the new pill that prevents the spread of HIV-AIDS: your doctor


For many people the term PrEP is unknown, but its meaning is "pre-exposure prophylaxis", and it is a pill that it acts as a treatment for preventing the spread of HIV in persons who are not infected with the virus but who are at risk of contracting it

This treatment consists of taking a daily dose of 39; emtricitabine with tenofovir, this will help reduce the 98% chance of acquiring the virus, an option recommended by the World Health Organization (19459003) and United States Center for Disease Control.

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Can we get treatment for HIV?

PrEP is a functional pill for serodiscordant couples (where one partner has HIV and the other does not), eligible for this type of treatment the following candidates may also use it under medical supervision:

* Men who have sex with other men and do not use a condom

* Transgender women have non-sexual intercourse protected

* Sex workers in general

* Intravenous drug users who usually exchange needles with users

In this sense, the physician Florentino Badiel del Center Prevention and A tion of HIV-CDMX indicates that it is more and more common to observe the sale of this treatment on the Internet or on social networks but without following treatment that prevents s health risks.

"It is important that a medical specialist appreciates those who want to take the PrEp and find out if they are appropriate." is vital ] because without it there can be serious health effects, for example, in the kidneys, "said Badiel

Brazil, the first country in Latin America to treat PrEP

Although the cure against HIV was slow in arriving, Brazil became the first country in Latin America to adopt this treatment as part of its health policy.

Ministry of Health of Brazil, indicated that the blue pill will help reduce the risk of contracting the virus, provided that is consumed daily which will be available free of clinics in 22 cities.

A (New York Times and Huffington Post)

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