Presented by Telcel and Sony the new top model Xperia XZ2


Telcel has a new ace in his sleeve. This is the Xperia XZ2 smartphone, the latest model with which the phone company is doing dumbbells with Sony to offer a totally new and modernized experience with a smartphone.

The Xperia XZ2 has a sleek design and incorporates new features. It has also increased its multimedia and image capacity thanks to its front and rear cameras, which are offered as a main attraction and added value.

The Dynamic Vibration System analyzes acoustic data and makes it feel less vibration so that the experience of audiovisual content such as movies, games and videos are better for the user. The "X-reality" screen offers a more detailed display, with greater brightness, color and contrast, capable of enhancing the quality of any application's content.

With the front camera, 19 megapixels, you can get recordings in 4K HDR, which is the same quality with which it is filmed in the film industry, far exceeding the proposal of the others phones that do not reach this professional format in its image.

With this benefit, Xperia XZ2 is dedicated as the first smartphone to offer this quality, also to develop a super slow motion (at 960 fps) entirely in Full HD, to capture every detail without any margin of error.

Xperia XZ2 also offers a superior experience in sound. -Front Front Surround and powerful speakers and with regulation option by the user to adapt to their needs.

For those who love selfies, another great novelty of Xperi an XZ2 is its front camera that now incorporates features and quality into 3D Creator, able to generate photographs from the screen with a third format dimension, ideal for scenarios, even with little light, providing excellent contrast and image detail balance, in addition to the user can access this function more automatically and directly.

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