President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Marcelo Ebrard would talk about migrants with Pompeo


Saltillo, Coah.- EPresident-elect Andrés Manuel López ObradorHe said that tomorrow Marcelo Ebrard, future chancellor, will talk with Mike Pompeor, Secretary of State of the United States see the theme of the Migrants from Central America and looking for an alternative in the next government.

"Tomorrow, Marcelo Ebrard will talk with Mike Pompeo for an exchange of views and an agreement," he said.

After a meeting with the governor of Coahuila, Miguel Riquelme, López Obrador He expressed that Migrants crossing the country must be protected, such as the caravan that currently crosses the territory, even give them shelter and a job, what they will do in their government with working visas.

"We need to talk to migrants and we need to come up with solutions, alternatives and protect them, that they can have shelter, that they are families and have children, and at the same time seek solutions that offer the opportunity to work, "he said.

"In the case of Mexico, we are committed to handing over work visas and we are aiming for the development of the Southeast, where a million acres of timber will be planted, the Maya train will be built" , did he declare. .

However, elected president He specified that he was also looking forhave very good relations with the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

"We want to maintain this friendly relationship and I think they're going to look for options and alternatives, we're going to talk a lot with the US government." We're very keen to nurture a friendly relationship. we are doing very well and we want it, "he said.

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