President Morales ensures transparent implementation of resources allocated by eruption


With the information of AGN (Guatemalan News Agency)

The President of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, assured today that the resources for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the area damaged by the eruption of the volcano Fuego are executed with total transparency, in response to the tragedy that took the lives of 113 people.

At an event of commemoration and recognition of the work of relief agencies, held at La Industria farm in Escuintla, the president said that until last night 536.46 million quetzales have awarded to entities responsible for the reconstruction and repair of damage caused by the colossus.

"Yesterday evening at 12 o'clock, 536 million quetzales had been awarded in record time.Total transparency, all that is downloaded on the evaluation systems to comply with open access to information, all with transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, "assured the mandata Rio

According to the official page of the Ministry of Public Finance (Minfin), 409 events were published on the portal Guatecompras during the 39 state of public calamity, of which 265 were attributed for this amount.

The Governor stated that the allocation of resources is "a proof of the desire and commitment to work of a group of people who are engaged and who do not Have responsibility with the Guatemalan people. "

Among the institutions the state of public calamity acquires services and supplies are the Ministries of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing; Agriculture, livestock and food; Social development; Education; Governance National Defense Public health and social assistance, as well as municipalities and other entities.

The information in the portfolio of Finance states that the Ministry of Communications has allocated 434.63 million quetzales for the replacement, repair and construction of infrastructure affected by the volcanic eruption


The Ministry of Public Health has allocated 35.05 million quetzales for the purchase of medicines, medical supplies, laboratory equipment and other items intended to assist to the victims. 19659003] In addition, the Agriculture portfolio requested the purchase of foods such as enriched corn flour, beans, sugar, corn flour and enriched soybeans, iodized salt, vegetable oil, biscuits, as well as laying hens, animal feed, insecticides, fumigants, among others.

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