President Vizcarra analyzed the challenges of his management after 100 days in the government


The President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra analyzed his first 100 days of government and the challenges he faces for the development of the country in the face of the Bicentennial.

Vizcarra presidency, March 23, after the resignation of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, amid a corruption scandal about an alleged vote purchase to avoid his vacancy in Congress

Decentralized Government

The current President He began his government trip to different parts of the country in order to decentralize his management and since then he has not stopped.

"I have three regions to visit now: Tumbes, Amazonas and Apurimac," he said Sunday . of Ancash, where he arrived to visit the province of Corongo (Ancash region).

There, he acknowledged that the state must reach the whole country and that his government seeks to guarantee basic services. cos in all regions of the country. "Having basic health services is one of the minimum standards we can claim as Peruvians and we must give."

Corruption and confrontations

Regarding the mistrust that the political sector is currently generating in the population, the president said that it is the fault of corruption, which, according to him, will not have its place in his administration. "We must show zero tolerance against corruption," said the president citing a case of bribes alleged by a mayor of Ayacucho.

He also said that confrontation between politicians is responsible for optimism The country is diluted, so its management seeks an approach with all political forces.

"We assumed the presidency of Peru three months ago and have said enough about the confrontations: Peru and the Peruvians are fed up with the political clash," said the head of state. State, while asserting that one approach does not mean that they listen only to one group

Litigation and Common Work

In this line, Vizcarra decides on the dispute between the executive and the legislature by the law that regulates state advertising spending and stated that the government has established its position from the beginning with the complaint for unconstitutionality filed in the Constitutional Court. He added that disputes are natural, but that they should work together for the good of the country.

"It is natural, every political group can always have disagreements and this is overcome by talking, they are arguing, we are now in a new phase, we have to think about the country and we must join our efforts to improve the level of life of all Peruvians. "

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