Presidential candidate asks Badabun; should close the chain – La Neta Noticias


An unfortunate event occurred at the Badabun chain which will apparently have to close its transmissions by an incident of gigantic proportions. Join us to see this sad story.

One day ago, through an unpublished recording, Víctor González, famous presenter of Badabun stated that the platform in Spanish, which he considers as one most watched, had to close because of a lawsuit that he received from a candidate for alleged defamation. That's what the driver said on the subject:

They asked Badabun we'll have to close. Today is a very sad day for Badabun . After four years and more than 36 million followers, today we will have to say goodbye. The Spanish company with the most reproductions in the world has to close. "

In the controversial recording, Víctor González broke the silence on why Badabun received the trial and asserted at the same time that the data that it was they broadcast from their plaintiff are supported by various means of communication.

The presenter Víctor González said that a tiny detail invalidated the lawsuit, since the plaintiff issued the summons on behalf of the legal representative of Badabum with 'm' and not with 'n', so the account has no obligation to close, but stated that they would do so in order to avoid future complications.

The video on the terrible announcement of Badabun became the creditor of more than 3 million reproductions, 465,000 likes and different ways to think about closing the account.

Photography: YouTube (@Badabu n)

According to information from Badabun, Hispanic Mundo and Radio Fórmula

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