Presidential elections in Mexico: Kendall Jenner and photography that sparked criticism on Instagram | Celebrities | United States | Alfonso Cuarón | Shows


On the last Sunday, the presidential elections were held in Mexico, where the winner Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was released and, as an important event, the various brands wanted to revive this election day, and what struck the most was the photograph of the model of the clan Kardashian Jenner .

Kendall Jenner starred in one of the most criticized images by Mexican citizens who considered that the use of this young woman's image was a lack of respect for the artists of his country.

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From his Instagram account the recognized brand Vogue México published a photograph of the socialite using a post in which the word "VOTE" can be read, vote in Spanish.

"Today is a very important day for Mexico's President, at 128 of the Senate …" can be read in the screenshot that a Twitter user made to the magazine's publication.

One of the celebrities who also criticized the election of Vogue México ] was the filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron. "What shame (…) I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but no matter how much I try, I do not see how to see, in a language that maybe if you understand: do you remember the announcement of Pepsi? " You can read in his latest publication

 Source: Instagram

In addition, thousands of users claimed that the mark "should have chosen a Mexican artist and not Kendall Jenner". Among the provisional proposals were names like Salma Hayek Gael García among others. It was the publication of Vogue Mexico, which was eliminated because of the dozens of critics that began to appear.

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