Prevent the increase in the price of gasoline


CITY OF MEXICO. prices of Magna and Premium essences, as well as diesel, can ride from tomorrow to next October 26 between 49 and up to 82 cents.

This, because the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) approved an increase in the tax quota which applies to fuels.

IEPS fee

The special tax on production and services (IEPS) applicable to magna from Saturday to Friday next to 3.26 pesos per liter, higher than that observed between 13 and 19 this month to 2.44 pesos.

This means that the variation in the price of Magna gasoline this Saturday can go up to 82 cents; 33.6% more than he observed this week.

In the case of the premium, it goes from 2.74 pesos to 3.55 pesos per liter. This represents a difference of 81 cents or 29.6%. While diesel goes to 2.66 pesos per liter, it went from 2.17 pesos.

The increase is 49 cents or 22.6%.

The decision to increase the increase in gasoline will depend on each gas station and the state of the country.

They are ahead of the possible elimination

This announcement comes two days after the transition team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will announce that they value the elimination of the IEPS tax.

Rocío Nahle, future secretary of energy, said that eliminating the IEPS would have an impact of 250 million pesos.

"We have to see if we are eliminating 250 billion pesos, where we will recover them, it's the most important thing and that's what we value," said Nahle.

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