Prevent the increase of respiratory infections: Health


They call to become aware of the use of antibiotics

Until now, in 2018, the Ministry of Health had recorded a total of 48 cases of influenza and 745,000 cases of acute respiratory infections throughout the state. According to estimates, the numbers could increase by 30% over the next few months, revealed state epidemiologist Daniel Carmona Aguirre.

Faced with this increase of diseases typical of the winter season, the head of the health sector said that it was important that the population does not self-treat, but also that it follows the treatment letter indicated by health personnel to avoid generating antibiotic resistance.

"More than 90% of acute respiratory infections are caused by bacteria and bacteria are fought with antibiotics, the problem is that the minimum time for taking antibiotics is 3 to 5 days and that patients often suspend treatment within the first 24 or 36 hours, when they show an improvement, "adding that by quitting the antibiotic treatment, the bacteria mutate and become resistant to said drug.

Carmona Aguirre explained that in Tamaulipas, several strains of microorganisms were already becoming resistant to antibiotics.

"The problem is that if we continue in the same direction, in less than 30 years, we will have no more effective antibiotics against these bacteria, we will practically go back to the stone age because we will not have an antibiotic for the most common infections. "Beware that to treat common and low-risk infections, antibiotics will need to be used more effectively and at a higher price.

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