Preventing side effects


With artificial intelligence, they analyze drugs

CITY OF MEXICO (Notimex) .- Millions of people take more than five drugs a day, but sometimes the side effects are inevitable, so the engineers of Stanford University A research and they have identified how to predict these effects by artificial intelligence.

The computer scientist, Marinka Zitnik, explained that the problem is that with so many drugs on the US market, it would be virtually impossible to try a new drug in combination with all the others, for only one would be five thousand new experiences.

Therefore, the specialist with his team, computer teachers Monica Agrawal and Jure Leskovec, describes an artificial intelligence system to predict, not just trace, the possible side effects of the combination of drugs .

Called "Decago" n, the system could help physicians make better decisions about which drugs to prescribe and help researchers find better combinations to treat complex diseases.

Stanford University explained that There are about a thousand known side effects and five thousand drugs on the market, which generates nearly 125 billion possible side effects.

Therefore, experts are studying how the doses of drugs affect "cellular machinery" and defined a network that describes how the 19,000 proteins interact one another.

Brief Study

The Stanford University Experts study the side effects of drugs:


Used more than four million associations between drugs and side effects


Designed a ethode to identify how side effects occur in terms of how drugs target proteins

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