Preventing the global fleet of aircraft will more than double in 20 years


The global fleet of aircraft will more than double in the next 20 years, due to the growth of the middle class in emerging and low cost airlines.

more than doubled in the next 20 years, because of growing middle class in emerging and low-cost carriers said Friday Airbus, which has revised upwards its estimates .

which published Friday its new Global Market Forecast (GMF) for the period 2018-2037, provides that it will be necessary to manufacture 37,400 passenger aircraft and world freight in the next 20 years, for a value of $ 5.8 billion .

Driven by an annual growth in air traffic of 4.4%, the fleet of aircraft in The service will reach in 48 years the 48 000 aircraft,

"Among the engines of this growth are the 39 2.4 times increase in private consumption in emerging economies, rising disposable incomes and doubling of the middle class in the world, "said a statement. Last year, Airbus estimated that 35,000 new aircraft would be needed by 2036 worth $ 5.3 trillion, so their estimates are at The rise

For the commercial director, Eric Schultz the largest growth reserves are in China and India.

"More than 60% of economic growth will come from emerging countries, in the" Of the 37,390 new aircraft that will be needed, 26,540 will cover the need for growth and 10,850 will replace the devices of previous generations.

On the other hand, growth "more than doubling the global fleet to 48,000 aircraft implies a need for 540,000 new pilots," notes the Airbus report. : Inner notes "/>

Brexiti" will cause damage "

Airbus also expressed concern over the consequences in Brexit's aviation industry, the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, scheduled for March 2019.

The European giant has recently threatened to review its investments in the UK in case of Brexit without agreement on the conditions for exit from the country of

Airbus General Manager Tom Enders accused the British authorities on Friday " of having no idea what they were doing

Airbus employs 15,000 people in the UK, spread across 25 different sites. The wings of his planes are manufactured there, before being sent to factories in other European countries, where the planes are assembled.

Enders also noted his concern that the United Kingdom could leave the European Aviation Safety Agency. in case of Brexit without agreement. If this happens, since April, the certificates of thousands of parts of our planes will no longer be valid, which could lead to a suspension of our production. "

On the company's production plan, the commercial director, Guillaume Faury, said that" the second part of the year will be very busy "to meet the target of 800 deliveries that the company has set. During the first half, it has only delivered 303 aircraft

The delivery of about 500 aircraft in six months is "a major challenge"

Airbus has difficulties with the A320 "new engine option", the production of which has been hampered by problems with Pratt & Whitney engines


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