Prevention of dengue and zika


My house without stilts

Dr. Karim Pardo, dir. ex. Metaxenic diseases Minsa.

  • Minsa and regional governments are building public knowledge of dengue prevention and control. That is why it is important to know that dengue, zika and chikungunya – transmitted by female mosquito Aedes aegypti – are infectious, systemic and dynamic diseases. It is good to remember to cover, wash and brush containers containing water, change the water of the vases every 3 days or use wet sand, change the trough every day and eliminate abandoned objects that can become a breeding place for mosquitoes. Consider the following: Do not take self-medication if you have fever over 38 ° C, nausea and vomiting, rash-like rash, headache, pain Muscle and bone can be dengue. emergency in a health center. Minsa is ready to handle this emergency.

Vector control

Mauricio Rubin, insecticides and rodenticides specialist.

  • Diseases transmitted by insect vectors (dengue, chikungunya, zika and malaria) represent 17% of communicable diseases and, to prevent them, it is urgent to study further the behavior of these insects, new methods of control and strengthen the capacities of health personnel. control of these vectors. In 2017, there were more than 76,000 dengue cases, including 6,498 from Zika and 762 from Chikungunya. Aedes aegypti, the transmitter of these evils, is present in 502 districts of 20 regions of the country. There is a need to validate new tools, technologies, pesticides, and to promote innovative interventions from the public, academic and private sectors. The third International Conference on Integrated Urban Pest Management – Peruplagas 2018 sees it as a forum for more than thirty foreign and Peruvian specialists.
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